Was a great weekend to work in the garage, got the engine pulled.
This is the new engine. GEtting ready todo the leak down on it.
Leak down results, first round of testing was a dry test and wvery cylinder had 50% leakage; leakage was mostly past the valves. 2nd and 3rd round of testing were wet and the best/third round provided the best results with 15-20% leakage. I basically turned the engine over eanough to get the internal oil moved around and the valves started sealing properly. All test were done in a cold garage.
Sealed up the intake once the tests were done.
Removing accessories
Alex came to help.
Getting yanked
Lots of vacumm controls in these santafe’s!
In other news, I need new front and rear motor mounts š … explains thatĀ klunk