Well kind of … 😀
Built a hard bottom floor for my Sevylor Fish Master 325. Boat already had ribs but with the new bottom it will be easier to stand and will give me a place to build my battery box and new seats.
Special thanks to Alex for routering the ply wood for me; rounded edge made it way easier to upholster.
Next up BatteryBox and Transom … will try and copy this with plywood and piping(copper or pvc or whatever) 😀
What is the price for a new Sevylor Fish Master 325?
Thank you.
What’s size planks are for your subfloor
Not to sure actually, The sub floor is how it comes from factory. I would say the planks are all 5 inches wide and are various lengths depending on what section of the boat they are in.
Photo: New Post has been published on http://t.co/FpRG6O40me John the Boat Builder… http://t.co/3B52tdI26z