Bicycle Times: My new favorite magazine :)


If you have read any generic cycling magazine then you know what you typically see in a cycling magazine:

  • Latest news on the Tour du “never gonna be in”.
  • Gadget’s that cost $1200 and have been developed for military use.
  • Articles that sound like “Carbon Fibre, Do you have enough ?”
  • Cover model has .5% BMI and leg muscle thicker then a basketball.

Now let me introduce you to Bicycle Times, from their websiteBurritos, to me, are the perfect food. They’ve got everything wrapped in a portable package and can be tailored to meet just about anyone’s wants and needs. Bicycle Times is kinda like the magazine equivalent to the burrito!”.

The magazine is filled with user tips and guides, feel good articles, safety tutorials like(watch out for that right hook), hardware reviews, bicycle poetry and much much more. Sadly their are only 6 issues per year :/

To give you an example of their articles I have scanned out their recent bicycle fenders review click here. Its thorough and goes through a bunch of different models, with prices and rider feedback but one thing that I did notice about the review was they failed to really criticise any of the fenders.

Nothing really failed the review or was terrible; the good models were awesome and the bad models were ” just alright”. This leads me to believe that the writing staff are a bit weak wristed … who knows. Other then that go buy this mag at your chapters 🙂