To use the service you need 2 things
- A date
- A weather station ID
For my examples i will be using the following data
May 7th 2011
Latitude: 49°55’00.000” N
Longitude: 97°14’00.000” W
Elevation: 238.70 m
Climate ID: 5023226
WMO ID: 71852
ID: 47407
To find the Station ID for a weather station near you you can use this google map I created.
Environment Canada Station URL:
Daily Statistics
XML Environment Canada Station URL:
Notice the above changes to the URL for the default Environment Canada page and the XML version. The date variable changed as well but seems to be ignored.
Below is a snapshot of what kind of data will be returned.
<stationdata day=”6” month=”5” year=”2011” quality=”*”>
<maxtemp description=”Maximum Temperature” units=”°C”>19.80</maxtemp>
<mintemp description=”Minimum Temperature” units=”°C”>4.00</mintemp>
<meantemp description=”Mean Temperature” units=”°C”>11.90</meantemp>
<totalrain description=”Total Rain” flag=”M” units=”mm”/>
<totalsnow description=”Total Snow” flag=”M” units=”cm”/>
<totalprecipitation description=”Total Precipitation” units=”mm”>0.00</totalprecipitation>
<snowonground description=”Snow on Ground” units=”cm”/>
<dirofmaxgust description=”Direction of Maximum Gust” units=”10’s Deg”>14.00</dirofmaxgust>
<speedofmaxgust description=”Speed of Maximum Gust” units=”km/h”>32.00</speedofmaxgust>
<heatdegdays description=”Heating Degree Days” units=”°C”>6.10</heatdegdays>
<cooldegdays description=”Cooling Degree Days” units=”°C”>0.00</cooldegdays>
<stationdata day=”7” month=”5” year=”2011”>
<maxtemp description=”Maximum Temperature” units=”°C”/>
<mintemp description=”Minimum Temperature” units=”°C”/>
<meantemp description=”Mean Temperature” units=”°C”/>
<totalrain description=”Total Rain” units=”mm”/>
<totalsnow description=”Total Snow” units=”cm”/>
<totalprecipitation description=”Total Precipitation” units=”mm”/>
<snowonground description=”Snow on Ground” units=”cm”/>
<dirofmaxgust description=”Direction of Maximum Gust” units=”10’s Deg”/>
<speedofmaxgust description=”Speed of Maximum Gust” units=”km/h”/>
<heatdegdays description=”Heating Degree Days” units=”°C”/>
<cooldegdays description=”Cooling Degree Days” units=”°C”/>
Notice how the data-set also has blank entries for future dates, I assume these get filled in at the end of the day.
Hourly Statistics
If we change the time-frame variable we will receive an hourly incremented data-set for the entire year.
Below is a snapshot of what kind of data will be returned.
<stationdata day=”6” hour=”0” minute=”0” month=”5” year=”2011” quality=” “>
<temp description=”Temperature” units=”°C”>6.90</temp>
<dptemp description=”Dew Point Temperature” units=”°C”>3.60</dptemp>
<visibility description=”Visibility” units=”km”>15.00</visibility>
<relhum description=”Relative Humidity” units=”%”>79.00</relhum>
<winddir description=”Wind Direction” units=”10’s deg”>16.00</winddir>
<windspd description=”Wind Speed” units=”km/h”>9.00</windspd>
<stnpress description=”Station Pressure” units=”kPa”>98.20</stnpress>
<humidex description=”Humidex”/><windchill description=”Wind Chill”/>
<weather description=”Weather”/>
<stationdata day=”6” hour=”1” minute=”0” month=”5” year=”2011” quality=” “>
<temp description=”Temperature” units=”°C”/>
<dptemp description=”Dew Point Temperature” units=”°C”/>
<visibility description=”Visibility” units=”km”/>
<relhum description=”Relative Humidity” units=”%”/>
<winddir description=”Wind Direction” units=”10’s deg”/>
<windspd description=”Wind Speed” units=”km/h”/>
<stnpress description=”Station Pressure” units=”kPa”/>
<humidex description=”Humidex”/>
<windchill description=”Wind Chill”/>
<weather description=”Weather”/>
Notice the different types of data being reported in this hourly data-set compared to the daily data-set
This review will only be covering daily and hourly results. Monthly and Almanac results are available but are fairly inaccurate.